Energy audits and programs are designed to assess your facility’s current level of energy efficiency, make recommendations for improvement, and then assist with the implementation and management of the program. Depending on the scope of the guidance and the facility size and style, these programs can range in investment size.

The Energy Planners team has developed several programs to assist with the investment.

  1. Lease Program
    Finance single or multiple upgrades with paybacks that are within seven years. Competitive interest rates are available with 5, 7, and 10-year terms.
  2. Shared Savings Program
    Shared Savings is a comprehensive solution for highly technical retrofits offering No Upfront Costs on agreements that last 5-10 years
  3. Managed Energy Program
    With our Managed Energy program, EPCO will assume responsibility for your Energy Bill, leaving you with No New Loan, Lease, or Utility Payment.

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